Yoga Weight Loss Challenge! 20 Minute Fat Burning Yoga Workout Beginners & Intermediate

Can You Really Lose Weight in Yoga?

As we know yoga is a form of body and mind fitness, it’s a combination of a body movement and a mind that will mainly focus on self awareness be it breathing or your energy.

Yoga would definitely create the best version of yourself knowing that it supports your mental, physical and spiritual growth.

So when you have in mind that doing yoga for weight loss, you would think whether it’ll actually work or not?

Yoga is an effective way of losing weight, especially when you are already on the more active forms of yoga. You may find that self awareness gained through yoga practice can help you focus on your goal of achieving the weight. It’s like you do it with love and passion and not forcing your body to lose weight.

With yoga you will also have a better sleep, you’ll be able to fall asleep easily and deeply when you involve yourself in yoga practice consistently.  Quality sleep would bring weight loss. There was a study made last 2018 where people who had less sleep lost less fat than the group who had their normal sleeping patterns. 

Both of these groups were restraining the number of calories they consumed, suggesting that sleep loss has an adverse effect on body composition, including fat loss.

In this video we will be showing you how to lose weight in yoga in a fun and exciting way.

Consider it as a fun challenge for losing weight. Follow every step we have here and just enjoy and you will see the results fast, you’ll be amazed how you can achieve your weight goal without pressure. You can also laugh while doing the yoga posture because as we know laughing is the best medicine.

Practice yoga as frequently as possible in order to achieve your goal weight. If you’re no longer a beginner you can do a more active, deep practice for at least 3 to 5 times per week in a 1 hour session. And for beginners, start slowly; this video is good for beginners and intermediate yoga practitioners.

Just keep in mind for beginners that you don’t have to push your body, just relax and eventually as you practice you’ll be able to see the flexibility of your body will be improved.

You could also combine your yoga practice with activities such as walking, cycling, or swimming for a more cardiovascular benefit.

Joy Scola, the yoga teacher in this video has a mission in life to empower individuals to take complete ownership of our lives. She has been living her everyday life with yoga. You will see on her website how she shares everything from her daily health tips to insights on how to live a more fulfilled life. 

Know more about her by checking her website and social media accounts. You could also contact her and book a more personalized yoga practice with her by just visiting her website, she loves to help you with your yoga journey.