Yoga For Complete Beginners – 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout!

Yoga for Complete Beginners

As a beginner, you may think that before getting involved in yoga, you want to understand it first; you may want to know the benefits you can get from yoga or anything that could help you widen your knowledge or that could encourage you to be more interested.  With this in mind, let’s first understand what yoga is.  It could be a body workout for some, and for others, it’s a way to attach to something beyond their physicality, and many of us can say that it’s a combination of both, an exercise that can help us connect beyond our physical being. It is said that through yoga, the practitioner can increase self awareness, support a sense of peace, and increase the body’s vigor, stamina and flexibility.

In short, yoga is a form of mind-body fitness that engages a combination of muscular movement and an internally directed mindful focus on awareness of the self, the breath, and energy.

Next, what would be the benefits of practicing yoga?

It has been said that yoga has been here with us for a very long time, it’s a 3,000 year old tradition, it is now considered as a holistic approach to health and is classified by the National Institute of Health as a form of Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Many studies prove that yoga can improve physical health. It could help lower blood pressure, reducing the risk of heart disease, and aiding proper digestion. Practitioners express how yoga has helped them in sleeping better and managing stress. Not to mention, recent research indicates the mind-body practice supports mental health, specifically; one study found regular yoga may help ease depressive symptoms.

 The main objective of yoga is to unite the body, to its own mind and spirit. Accordingly, there are many types of yoga and each will have their own ways of achieving the said main yoga’s objective.  

If you decide to enroll in a yoga class make sure that it offers a beginner level. Keep in mind that a good yoga teacher will make sure to check on you and help you with your body alignment while performing postures knowing you are just a beginner, they would also suggest modifications to suit any physical restrictions that you may have.

It’s vital that you pay attention to your body, and the limits it could have rather than trying to stretch beyond what you can do or syncing up with others in the class. If ever you feel any body pain make sure to lessen the pose, do not overdo your body.

In this article, we will help you get introduced to yoga; it’s a beginner’s guide that could help get an understanding of basic yoga.

This is a sequence yoga guide for complete beginners, so if you’re new to it, or been curious about the yoga practice, the benefits you can get from this- you’ve come to the right place. 

So, what do you need to get started? Well, it’s not necessary to buy anything to start a yoga practice, you don’t have to buy certain props, clothes, mats and don’t have to be rich in order to invest yourself in yoga, and these are misunderstandings that can be a distraction from yoga’s main goals. You just need your whole body, open your heart and your mind as we begin giving you the order on how to do yoga. Early yogis even practiced on grass. 

While you can practice on the grass or on a carpet, a quality yoga mat is a good investment if you’re practicing on a hard surface, plus it’s required at many studios.

  • Let’s begin with the easy pose or the pose of ease. It’s checking the breath by looping the shoulders a couple times forward up and back. Inhaling and exhaling. Remember to close your eyes while doing the exercise as you will feel the mind and body awareness.
  • Now when you do the next step which is the anjali mudra, it’s a way of finding the active body, your strength and putting it to the calmness and lightness of your will. It’s like the strength and calmness are dancing together- the thing that yoga is all about.
  • Remember that when doing the pose find what is right and don’t push yourself that could crank your body into a painful one.
  • Beginner’s yogi’s choice, finding a yoga move that can be a self expression, swaying up and down, closing and opening your eyes and you might open your mouth, wiggling your finger tips and throwing the shoulders away from the ears. And take a deep breath in and exhale. It’s like creating space to the body connecting to the breath. Always remember that there is no wrong or right here in this pose

After reading the steps above you may feel a bit challenged with your flexibility, you just have to bear in mind that the beginning is always the hardest thing to develop, and just keep on going, flexibility of your body will come eventually together with your mind as long as you practice yoga regularly. 

You may want to see more of these yoga practices from Adriane in this video as she shows you the different styles she has. Here, you can learn more and may feel comfortable practicing on your own without being intimidated with others who have a higher mastery of yoga.


Adriene Mishler is an actress, a writer, an international yoga teacher and entrepreneur. She has been recognized by Google as the most searched workout of 2015, and was recognized by The Wall Street Journal. She was also awarded a Streamy in Health and Wellness in 2016.

She has a mission to make tools for mental, emotional, and physical health accessible for all and you can read about it on her own website and see for yourself how fortunate you are for having her as your yoga teacher. 

You can find more about her Yoga in her social media accounts.