15 Min Daily Yoga Routine for Beginners (Follow Along)

Daily Yoga Routine for Beginners

Yoga is a way of knowing the positive inner side of yourself such as your breathing and energy while coordinating it with your own physical strength. As they say once you practice yoga you will surely live a happier life and a more balanced one, and it’s a long term effect, the longer you practice the better life you have.

You may find it hard to practice the yoga due to many reasons, but the fact is, it is really easy, you can do it every morning the moment you finished washing yourself and before eating you could definitely do it anywhere in the comfort of your home, be it inside or outside the house, a fresh air would be a big contribution though. You don’t have to prepare any props, you just have to get your mat that you can use while performing the poses and just open your heart and mind in order to begin.

Daily yoga routine doesn’t require any heavy preparations but you must know that like exercising or working out, you have to do a light warm up.

Here are the warm up exercises you have to do for your daily yoga routine.

·         Stand straight, facing east starting from the toe and rhythmically moving up to lubricate all the joints

·         Move your toes thrice clockwise and thrice counter clockwise – do it on your both feet- these movements are also called sukshma vyayam in yoga terms.

·         Kick five times each leg – remember not to overdo it, just kick as much as what your body can comfortably do

·         Bend your knees and rotate them clockwise and counterclockwise five times. Doing this knee rotation can release the excess air trapped in your joints, freeing them making them more agile. 

·         Next is the waist rotation, do it clockwise and counterclockwise, five  times each, practice it with a positive mind set with a smile on your face. Any back problems will be relieved.

·         The joints of the hands will be next. Most of the time we focus on big muscles in our body and we forget those small ones. Hand exercise is simple and easy yet it is very powerful as it could strengthen your gripping power, slowly do it with complete involvement.

These are some of the warm up exercises you could perform before doing the yoga; remember to perform these in order to avoid any muscle stress and unnecessary stress on your heart and lungs as well. Continue watching this video in order to follow the steps given by  Fittuber Vivek Mittal.

Vivek Mittal has been a fitness enthusiast for years now and has been very active in social media to share his knowledge. He also believe in the saying “He who has health has hope; and he who has hope has everything”

You could catch more of his videos in his youtube account; you could also communicate with him in his other social media accounts.