Meditation For Mental Balance and Grounding | Yoga With Adriene

Meditation for Mental Balance and Grounding

According to a published journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, mindful meditation can help us from controlling any negative emotions and thoughts we are suffering from.

As we all know in Western world yoga and meditation has been widely used for practitioners claiming the physical and psychological benefits that yoga and meditation gives. Recent study also recommends that meditating and doing yoga can improve overall well-being and toughness to stress causes.

More and more, yoga practice and meditation has been the spotlight of research trying to examine their benefits. Just this recent the Medical News Today have stated on a wealth of studies saying the several advantages of yoga and meditation, including a response to individuals stress, reducing lower back pain, and helping out depression.

So how do we do meditation? The first thing is to sit in a comfortable, stable position, remember not to lean your back against anything, you have to sit actively. Set a timer for your chosen amount of minutes that you want to spend. After this you can begin, pause for a moment and open your mind and reflect that you are about to engage in the process of meditation, an opportunity to develop your mind.

Start now focusing your thoughts on your meditation object. You can use any meditation object like the flame of the candle, the tip of your nose or any external physical item.

It has been noted that Buddha taught 40 meditation objects and it is clear that no object is better than the other, hence, it doesn’t matter what you use, whatever suits you will be okay.

Here is one of the guides you can use when doing meditation. Just check out this video and learn the simple steps and follow everything that has been told in order to succeed in meditation. Once you finish your meditation you will immediately feel the benefits of practicing, just remember to be consistent in order to reap the long term effect of meditating.

You may find it a little strange if you are just new to meditation, you might find the whole concept as weird. Just sitting down directing your attention on a meditation object and letting go of what comes up into your mind and doing it every day.

When you see someone meditating you might say that it’s just an easy thing to do, but reality is, it requires effort and discipline. It can be boring to sit the whole time or uncomfortable.

If you start your practice with the thought that it will be very relaxing, it could turn out quite disappointing, and that’s a shame, because meditation really can bring a lot to your life and not just relaxing itself.

Adriene Mishler has a mission to make tools for mental, emotional, and

physical health accessible for all and you can read about it on her own website and see for yourself how fortunate you are for having her as your meditation teacher. 

You can find more about her meditation practice in her social media accounts. 


