Guided Affirmation Meditation for Stress & Anxiety – CALMING Meditation

Guided Affirmation Meditation for Stress And Anxiety

In our current world today, stress is everywhere.  Be it a natural disaster or just a man made one. Stress can surely affect a human’s mind and body.  Symptoms can be physical and mental. Negative thoughts will lead to anxiety, depression, fear and many other disturbing signs, it could of course have an adverse impact on your immune system.

Instead of letting yourself be consumed by negative thoughts, why not engage into an effective way of handling such without spending money and going out from the comfort of your home? Sounds interesting? Just continue watching the video above and see for yourself how meditation works.

So how does meditation help? How can you fit in either positive affirmation or meditation into your day to help change your position in life? What are positive affirmations?

Positive affirmations are the words that you will say and repeat to yourself, words that describe a precise outcome or who you want to be. These words, images, or manners are used by your brain to prevail over negative thoughts and reprogram your state of mind. The phrase comes from the Latin word affirmare, which means to become strong or to toughen.

It’s vital to keep in mind any self help talk or positive affirmations in every situation, especially during this time where coronavirus are everywhere. Do not let any negative thing consume your mind, instead you have to accept every situation and focus on telling yourself that you don’t have to stress over the things you do not have control with. When you have the attitude of being positive your potential strength can come out and you will notice that you can easily find solutions to life’s problems in a healthier way.

Having that said, the good news is positive affirmation meditation are already available online, you can find many videos for free, videos that will guide you on how to do meditation.

Meditation will calm your nervous system and help you alleviate anxiety, as simple as it may seem, the meditation process is very effective, and hence it has been widely used nowadays.

Kassandra is very popular when it comes to her yoga practices; she got so many followers with her social media accounts and got millions of views on her youtube yoga videos. She started practicing yoga in 2008, imagine how long she is in this field and how she mastered every technique. On her website you will read about her mission to help others feel great with yoga.

She also offers free yoga programs that you can check out on her website. She also wrote some books that you can buy and use as your yoga guide.  Here social media accounts are as follows


