5 min Guided Morning Meditation with Positive Affirmations

Guided Morning Meditation for Affirmation

Many of us suffer from several negative thoughts of ourselves, thinking that we are not good enough, we are not smart enough, talented and whatsoever that can ruin our confidence and mood, leading to stress and anxiety. When you have negative thoughts and you can’t fight it, we tend to believe it and make it a reality, which can affect our whole being, including our personal relationships and our careers. It’s like the thoughts you have will become a fulfilling prophecy.

So what if we do it in the opposite way, what if we only think of positive thoughts, and that will become a fulfilling prophecy? How nice it would be to see things going smoothly because of the effect of those positive thoughts we have, it can then make your career more boosting and a happier relationship is also waiting.

So first let us know what affirmation is, what are the benefits it could give us.

Affirmations are positive words that we tell ourselves in order to fight mind distractions, negative thoughts, the moment you begin believing in these positive statements and place that in your brain from time to time, positive changes will be noticed right away.

We might think that affirmations can be unrealistic and just wishful thinking but the truth is it really works especially when it is done with a meditation practice.

If you want to see positive changes in your life, use affirmations. Below are some of the statements you might consider using while meditating.

·         I am excited to start my day; I have the full energy needed to face it today!

·         I am all set to face the daily challenges

·         I can feel the positive vibes coming through

·         I am determined, motivated and keen to learn today

You have to feel these statements’ meaning in order to let it flow in your head, rather than just merely saying these words.

You can use every positive affirmation in any situation where you’d like to see a positive change take place in your life.

In this video, we’ll teach you how you could use meditation into a positive affirmation. We will guide you on how you can practice meditation that can lead to positive affirmation that can change your life massively, a more satisfying life, including your relationships and your career.

Kassandra offers several programs and training on her website. She’s been teaching yoga for over a decade and wanted to make you want your health a priority. Check on her to see what else she can offer as she actively communicates on her social media accounts.

