Yoga Can Offer Cancer Patients Benefits

The Benefits of Yoga for Cancer Patients

Having illness will surely make us sad and broken, how much more if the illness is fatal such as cancer. It will consume not just the money for the treatment but all of the areas of a patient’s life and most especially their mental state. Having a self care and relaxation routine is very vital for cancer patients while maintaining the busy schedule of treatments for them.

Yoga, an ancient practice that came from India, is a very effective way of connecting the mind and body through breathing exercise and certain movements and it has been known to every part of the world due to the benefit it brings. Cancer patients that practice yoga regularly have shown so much improvement when incomes to their emotional and physical states, this is very vital for them so that they can enjoy their life and reduce the negative effect of the illness they have in their body. Yoga has the capability to lessen the mental stress caused by one’s diagnosis as well as helping deal with the physical symptoms and side effects of treatment.

Below are some of the advantages we can get from practicing yoga regularly and these have been backed by Science:

·         reduces and deals with anxiety

·         yoga practice can improve mood and could less depression

·         practicing it regularly can also increase the sense of well-being

·         yoga can increase our quality of life

·         yoga can also improve our social performance

·         it could also improve our breathing, our lung capacity

·         our joint pain can be reduced

·         lessen body fatigue

·         it reduces the of hot flashes

·         can help us sleep better and easier

·         of course yoga can also increases our flexibility and strength

·         it can reduce body pains

·         yoga is an effective way of treating PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder)

·         sleep medications are no longer needed when you practice yoga regularly

·         our responses to stress are no longer active thereby dropping or eliminating the physiological symptoms of stress.

The video above shows the cancer patients who had been enjoying the yoga session. As you can see they don’t look sick at all, instead they look calm and relaxed.