Pure Beginner: Lesson #1 of 6 Yoga for 100% Beginners
Yoga for Beginners – This video features the 1st video of my Pure Beginner series. These beginner yoga classes are designed for Real People with ZERO Yoga Experience. Learn Yoga Fundamentals at home for all shapes and sizes. GET ALL 6 VIDEOS: http://www.brettlarkin.com/PBFULL Have you tried beginner yoga videos in the past and felt COMPLETELY LOST?! Or screamed, “My body doesn’t DO that!” It’s not you! The majority of “beginner” yoga videos aren’t designed for total newbies who’ve never set foot on a yoga mat. This unique series, compiled from 5 years of feedback from over 100,000 beginner students, has been designed by Brett to make yoga accessible to people of all shapes and sizes, regardless of their age, flexibility or athletic ability.
– See each yoga pose broken down and explained before every class (LEARN before you DO)
– Features real students who’ve never done yoga before, just like YOU!
– Walk away understanding the breath, alignment and names of yoga’s basic postures
Thousand of you have given me your feedback. The yoga videos that are out there just aren’t designed for real yoga beginners. They go to fast, the poses aren’t broken down, and transitions aren’t properly explained. After listening to your feedback for over 3 years.. I’ve put together the ultimate series to make learning yoga at home, safe easy and fun! We’re gonna see each pose broken down, go in an achievable pace and I’ll be sharing answers to questions and pitfalls along the way. We’ll be joined by Jaylen who’s never done yoga before in his life. If he can do it, so can you! You will not be needing any special tools or equipment in order to do this beginner yoga series with me. It’s for 100% complete yoga beginners. Let’s get started!
FREE BEGINNER YOGA GUIDE https://www.brettlarkin.com/masterthebasics
CHAKRA CHALLENGE https://www.brettlarkin.com/chakra
ONLINE YOGA TEACHER TRAINING https://www.brettlarkin.com/online-yoga-teacher-training/
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DOWNLOAD CLASSES: http://www.brettlarkin.com/yoga-video-downloads/
BEGINNER YOGA CLASSES: http://www.brettlarkin.com/newbie
ADVANCED YOGA CLASSES: http://bit.ly/AdvYoga
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Many of my sequences and meditation are inspired by my beloved teachers: Alan Finger, Anodea Judith, Gurmukh, Rod Stryker, Elena Brower, Kia Miller and Guru Singh
Full Kundalini Kriyas are from KRI (Kundalini Research Institute), Kia Miller or Guru Singh.
Train with me and many of my favorite teachers at BrettLarkin.com Please consult your physician before taking on any new fitness regime.
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