7-Minute Yoga Workout for Older Adults

Yoga Workout For Adults

If you’re an adult looking to add a healthy and effective physical activity to your routine, consider a Yoga workout. You can find classes that are suitable for different levels of fitness and learn to do these poses by yourself. There are many types of yoga, so you should experiment to see which style is most appropriate for you. A yoga workout should be at least 20 minutes of active yoga a day. You can purchase a yoga mat and other equipment to use at home.

Many people believe that yoga is not a good form of physical activity, and that it does not raise the heart rate enough to qualify as aerobic exercise. However, this is not necessarily true. While yoga classes do not raise the heart rate very high, they are enough of a workout to improve aerobic capacity. In addition, the stress that yoga can cause can be reduced through the practice. Yoga is not as strenuous as other forms of exercise, so it’s best to follow the directions provided by your instructor.

For safety, it’s a good idea to find a yoga class or watch an instructional video to learn proper form. Ensure that you’re comfortable in your clothes. Lightly fitted clothing is ideal, as you don’t want your shirt to fall into your eyes. Jogging pants or leggings are ideal for yoga. Finally, remember that yoga is usually performed barefoot, so you may want to wear non-slip socks or sneakers.

The Cat-Cow is another great pose for strengthening the spine, engaging the core, and opening the chest. Begin by standing with your legs together, hands by your side, and knees bent. Stretch your hips upwards, while bending your knees and pulling your heels toward your glutes. Hold for three to five breaths. Repeat as necessary. You can add more variations of this pose by adjusting your knees to a 90-degree angle, which opens your chest and shoulders.

Another classic yoga pose is the Downward Dog. This pose stretches the shoulders, hamstrings, and calves while strengthening the arms. The downward dog requires you to stand on your hands and feet, but you can also modify this pose by placing your knees on the floor. During a yoga workout for adults, the Downward-facing dog is a good choice for strengthening the back. While you’re in downward-facing dog, try to lift your chest and use your muscles to stabilize your lower back.

Various types of yoga poses can be challenging for some, but can be beneficial for older adults. Squatting is a good one because it stretches the pelvic muscles. It is also known as the hip opener. A yoga block or folded blanket can be used to elevate the floor level while in this pose. You can modify these poses to fit your specific needs and goals. There are dozens of different types of yoga poses you can try to find the one that’s right for you.

This follow-along yoga workout for older adults builds strength, improves flexiblity, and boosts balance. Get instructions: https://bit.ly/SS7minuteyoga_YT.

SilverSneakers members can enjoy SilverSneakers On-Demand workout videos from home. If you have a Medicare Plan, it may include SilverSneakers. Learn more: https://bit.ly/SilverSneakersOnDemand_YT.

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