5 Yoga Poses to strengthen your arms
Yoga is an incredible way to build upper body strength and tone and sculpt all the muscles in the arms The key is building up enough arm strength, so that the hips and chest stay lifted as you lower down, while the elbows stay hugged in at your sides.
These 5 poses will help you cultivate long, lean muscles in your arms without creating bulk.
Chaturanga Dandasana – Four-Limbed Staff pose, also known as Low Plank, is an asana in which a straight body parallel to the ground is supported by the toes and palms, with elbows at a right angle.
Upward Plank Pose – It is an intermediate back-bending yoga pose that builds strength and flexibility. It is used as a counter-pose to forward folds, such as Four-Limbed Staff Pose
Side plank – It strengthens the oblique abdominal muscles, which don’t get worked during ab exercises such as crunches. You will hold your body on your side in straight position supported only by one arm and the side of one foot.
Bakasana – The crow pose is a great starting point for progressing into more advanced arm balances. It also strengthens your core and wrists, improves your balance.
Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana – Upward Facing Dog Pose is a back-bending asana in modern yoga as exercise. It is commonly part of the widely-performed Surya Namaskar sequence
#armstrength #Yogasequence #armworkout
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