5 Best Hatha Yoga Poses to Relieve Constipation
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Do you suffer from constipation? If so this video with my 5 Best Hatha Yoga Poses to Relieve Constipation is for You 🙂
You may be experiencing constipation if you are passing less than 3 stools a week, have lumpy or hard stools, are straining to have a bowel movement, feel as though you can´t completely empty the stool from your rectum or feel as though there is a blockage that is preventing your bowel movements.
Constipation is painful and uncomfortable that is why I am going to show you my 5 best yoga poses for constipation today.
But first, if you are looking for ongoing support for constipation, I highly recommend our membership community. We have several yoga classes for digestion in our membership community including:
Yoga for Digestion
Restorative Yoga for Digestion
Traditional Chinese Medicine Class for Your Small Intestines
And Yoga for Summer which focuses on your Small Intestines
Link for Members
Become a Member Today
So let´s get to the 5 best yoga poses for constipation.
1. Apanasana
How to do it: Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Draw your right knee into your chest, so that it is putting pressure on your ascending colon. Hold and breathe here for 10-30 breaths. Release and switch sides so that you are drawing your left knee into your chest and your left knee is putting pressure on your descending colon. Hold and breathe for 10-30 breaths.
Why it Works: The pressure being put on your ascending and descending colon by your bent leg helps to move the stool along through your large intestines relieving constipation.
2. Reclined Side Bend
How to do it: Stay lying on your back, take both of your legs over to the left side of your yoga mat, you can even cross your right ankle over your left ankle. Take your arms overhead and side bend towards the left side so your body is in an arch towards the left. Hold for 10-30 breaths. Repeat to the other side.
Why it works: This pose lengthens first your ascending colon and then your descending colon, relaxing your large intestine so that any cramping and tightening in your intestinal tract can relax, you can release stool with ease and any straining can let go.
3. Lunge Pose Lunge Pose with a Twist
How to do it: Come up to a quadruped position. Walk your right foot between your hands. Press into your left foot, lift your torso and raise your arms. Feel an opening along your psoas and all along your ascending colon. Hold for 10-30 breaths. Repeat on the left side so you can affect your descending colon as well.
Why it works: This pose lengthens first your ascending colon and then your descending colon, relaxing your large intestine so that any cramping and tightening in your intestinal tract can relax, you can release stool with ease and any straining can let go.
4. Marichyasana
How to do it: Come to a comfortable seated position with your legs out in front of you. Bend your right leg. Wrap your left arm around your right leg and turn towards it so you are putting pressure on your ascending colon. Hold for 10-30 breaths. Repeat to the other side so that you are affecting your descending colon.
Why it works: The pressure being put on your ascending and descending colon by your bent leg helps to move the stool along through your large intestines relieving constipation.
5. Squat or Malasana
How to do it: Stand with your feet hip width apart. Bend your knees and lower down into a squat. Lower your pelvis down right between your ankles. If your heels lift up off the ground place a rolled up yoga mat or blanket under your heels.
Why it works: This pose puts pressure on the ascending and descending colon and helps to move stool along through your large intestines relieving constipation. It also helps you to relax and open up your low back, relieving any cramping and tension from constipation.
To receive my Constipation Relief in Under 10 Days go to: melissawest.com/constipated
Which is 9 days of constipation relief ranging from full length yoga classes, the best yoga poses for constipation, short qigong movements, self massage, and even a juice and smoothie for constipation.
Thanks so much for watching. Let me know in the comments which yoga pose you are going to try. Give this video a thumbs up if it was helpful for you. Be sure to subscribe and turn on notifications for more videos like this.
Namaste, Melissa
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