The Health Benefits of Yoga – How Yoga Helps You Stay Healthy | Sadhguru

The Health Benefits of Yoga

According to Sadhguro, essentially, if your energy body is balanced and fully activated, there can be no physical and psychological ailment in you. It’s simply not possible. He also said he can show hundreds and thousands of people who walked out their ailments completely, simply, not by any treatment, simply by bringing a certain balance to the system.  Sadhguru also mentioned that this ailment is not a miraculous thing that happened; it’s just a deeper understanding of the system. There is no extra magic on it, you just have to believe that it’s already there, just like our existence. It is very simple, you don’t have to be a master in yoga, twisting yourself showing how flexible, rather it is just so simple, if you breathe right and keep your body in a certain level of balance you will see there is no need to have any kind of ailments.

Sadhguro said that there are 2 kinds of ailments. The first one is infectious, which means an invasion from outside that we have to take care of using medicine, and that should be consulted to a medical professional. But over 70% of the ailments in our planet are chronic in nature, which means you are making your own illness. People are causing illness from within, and this illness cannot be cured by any medical professional help or medicine, they might help by managing but not really cure. The very source of making our body is just within us. It comes from within. If you do certain simple things, if you allow, curing happens also from within, and each one of us is capable of doing this, we just have to discover it. We don’t know such for we do not paying attention to it.

In order to discover how we can help our own selves then we must begin doing yoga. We can learn from several yoga teachers out there that offers different kinds of classes, just find what suits you best and see how you could grasp the benefit it could give you. Yoga is not hard, it’s very simple. You can even practice yoga anywhere as long as it gives you comfort and concentration.

It is also best to start your day with yoga for you could bring the good mood until the time you go to bed, it could help you sleep better and can make your whole day so stress free and relaxing.